I’ve seen a couple of posts similar to this, but none that seem to have reached a resolution I can replicate.
I’m running and would like to display usage statistics on each article page, but the Usage Statistics plugin doesn’t appear in the Plugin Gallery. How can I activate it? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Hi @Amelia,
Do you have a single or multi-installation journal?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project
Mine is a single installation
Hi @Amelia,
Thanks for confirming. I believe in this version of OJS, the Usage statistics plugin is one of the default plugins that should be under Generic Plugins in the Installed Plugin tab.
If you don’t see it under there, you could upload it as an external plugin from Github
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project
Hi @pmangahis,
Thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately, neither of the options you describe appear on my Plugins Gallery page:

Hi @Amelia,
It appears that you don’t have journal administrator permission to do this, in which case you will need to ask the journal administrator to upload this plugin.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project
Hi @pmangahis,
I’m so confused! I have all the permissions there can be, including journal manager. There is a user on the site called “administrator” that I don’t have the power to edit, but it is associated with an email account that doesn’t exist, so I can’t even retrieve the password to log in as that account or anything. I’ve tried all the passwords it might be, nothing works. I don’t even know how this user got created except that I assume it’s a default setting?
Hi @Amelia,
The administrator would most likely be the contact person when the journal was configured. Unfortunately, the Journal Manager role does not have permission to install plugins.
The admin password can be reset from the backend. Please see the following forum post for how to do this- Admin Login Problems
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project
Thank you! I think I’ve tracked down the administrator - a third party who did not record the password correctly when they passed it along to me.