Hi we are on version: OJS
In the screen grab you’ll see an incomplete orcid id under the authors name (Margaret Malone)
In her OJS user profile the ORCID iD is complete and links perfectly to her ORCID web page.
Can you recommend how to correct the incomplete orcid id on article landing page?
Haven’t found this issue for other users.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @ScottAbbott,
There can be two reasons for this.
just wanted to confirm that in the co-author page of (Margaret Malone) you are seeing the verified orcid logo and the orcid id.
Which theme you are using for the landignpages ?
Hi Dulip
Thanks for this.
We are using a customised “UTS ePRESS” theme and yes, I am seeing in the backend of OJS on Margaret Malone’s profile the verified orcid logo and the orcid id.
[quote=“ScottAbbott, post:3, topic:60383, full:true”]
Hi Dulip
Thanks for this.
We are using a customised “UTS ePRESS” theme and yes, I am seeing in the backend of OJS on Margaret Malone’s profile the verified orcid logo and the orcid id.