Dear Team,
OJS : Article opening time taking long near 30 second.
Kindly help.
Server Information
OS platform= Linux
PHP version= 7.3.4
Database driver= mysqli
Database server version= 5.6.43-cll-lve
max_execution_time= 300
max_input_time= -1
memory_limit= 512M
Please see the screen shot.

Surojit B
Hi @Surojit_Bera,
Have you performed any debugging?
Have done any modifications of the templates for article landing page (e.g., article_details.tpl
Dear @Vitaliy
Yes. I have modified in article_details.tpl…
but one thing. when I disable Recommend Articles by Author plugin… its working properly… taking 2 to 3 second in article page opening.
Surojit Bera
Hi @Surojit_Bera,
Can you specify what theme you are using?
What additional calls have you made with your custom modifications? Maybe they are slowing down page loading? Is loading time faster without them?