Hello everyone,
Thank you for all your help in previous issues. I went through to forum to check and see if anyone was having similar issues to me and it doesn’t look like it. Here is my issue:
I went through the initial troubleshooting steps of figuring out why my upgrade wasn’t working (configuration changes, new folder location, etc.) and upgraded my PHP version to 7.2 to prompt for the OJS Install screen. Upon clicking on the Upgrade option and clicking on the “Upgrade Open Journal Systems” button, it redirects me to a blank page that, when refreshed, merely shows me an error message stating:
Errors occurred processing this form:
I’m not sure why this is happening and I’m not sure what to do from here. I have all my old backups ready (this is on a -dev website so no impact to our production site). If this is an SQL issue, I don’t know how to check for those. I’m operating as a one man team in a department of normally 3 people due to some people leaving and the changes with closure. I might ask some follow-up questions that seem obvious so I apologize in advance.
Thank you also in advance for your help with this issue.