I have a list of e-mails that I would like to add as users and reviewers for my journal. Is there a way to add all these at a time or I must do it one by one (It’s about 40 entries) ?
Hi @lfmpc,
Thanks for your question. Could you please confirm which version you are using?
Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Intern
@pmangahis thank you
Hi @lfmpc,
You can import users into OJS. Please refer to the Data Import and Export section of the PKP Administrator’s Guide for more detail on how to do this.
Kind Regards,
Patricia Mangahis
Public Knowledge Project Intern
I know I can import users. What I want to do is import a user list only with names and e-mails that are in a CSV file. I believe that this feature is not yet available.
@lfmpc the import plugin only accepts XML files. The CSV file would need to be converted to XML.
Kind Regards,
Patricia Mangahis
Public Knowledge Project Intern
@pmangahis Patricia, can you suggest/recommend how to save or convert a csv file in xml? I have the same issue but I am not sure where I should start to convert my file…
Thank you!
There should be some way to do this using Excel: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/export-xml-data-0b21f51b-56d6-48f0-83d9-a89637cd4360?ocmsassetID=HP010206401&CorrelationId=508ca915-1c8e-4103-82a6-2b0c927656d7&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
(pkp-users.xsd) Just a hint, sorry(
Thank you Ph_we, I could convert the files nice and easy. However, is there a dtd to review, as after import I get the message " * Element ‘{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet}Workbook’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root.". Thanks!
Hello all, unfortunately importing users has not proved a good option. The conversion from xls, which is where I assume most of us store their contacts, does not generate a suitable xml. If anyone has more suggestions on how to successfully convert and import a list of users (editorial board members) from excel I will be extremely grateful!
In case this is still of interest
If you google
Github ojs csv xml
You will find code for the conversion
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