OJS 3.1.1 Editorial History Record (Import/Export)

How to Export (Article and Issue) from an old server (that has a problem and cannot enter the panel) and Import to a new server, including editorial history records?
Because I have done with the native XML, and the Editorial History Records are gone.

Hi @Agus_Setiawan,

Hmmm… that’s tricky.

I presume you intend to upgrade once you get this issue fixed?

OJS 3.1 is no longer supported by PKP, so I highly recommend that you upgrade to the newest version of OJS Upgrading instructions are available in the PKP Administrator’s Guide and as part of our [Upgrade Guide] (https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/dev/upgrade-guide/).

Given that you can’t access the UI, the admin guide that provides some guidance on access to CLI:

Note that the CLI environment may differ for 3.1 and the documentation, which may apply to later versions, and not 3.1.

Please note, however, that this requires that you have experience in using the CLI and are comfortable in that environment.

PKP Team

The problem is that I cannot access the server panel because it is managed by a third-party service with limited access. Therefore, I want to move the OJS to my own server, but I only have admin access to OJS.

Hi @Agus_Setiawan,

Are you able to install and use the Backup plugin? That’s probably the best way to get access to all your content without requiring CPanel.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Yes, I am able to install the Backup plugin, but there is an issue that if I press the download file and code, all the downloaded files are empty ( 0 KB). And there is another issue: we need to access the DB (dump) via CLI.

Hi @Agus_Setiawan,

If the backup comes back empty, then the tools required by that plugin to get data e.g. from the database are not available or are not properly configured; review the configuration form for the plugin to ensure that it’s set up properly.

If the plugin can be configured properly with the tools it needs, then it shouldn’t be necessary to log in to the server via CLI. You can download the backups directly via the plugin through the browser.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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