Anyone who can help me please.
We are running two journals on same web hosting. One of the is perfectly running, however on second one we are facing this issue. I have attached screenshot too.
Further, files directory is writable.
Path of files is correct.
Hi @Haroon_Sattar,
Can you specify what application and version are you using? Also, are there any relevant errors in PHP logs associated with the issue?
@Vitaliy Hello
No there is nothing in error log. It is completely empty.
We are using 3.1.1-4.
If you could help we will be much grateful.
Anyone who can spare 20 mins and come to any-desk or team-viewer for help would be much appreciated please.
Stream must have data
most probably indicates that pdf.js cannot find PDF file. Can you send me a link to this page privately?
Hi @Haroon_Sattar,
Do you have access to the database to check one of the PDF files?
SELECT * FROM submission_files WHERE submission_id = 3015 AND assoc_id = 261
You should see something like:
913 1 127 application/pdf 1 342847 Sample_PDF_article.pdf 10 0 2018-06-19 07:15:14 2018-06-19 07:15:14 1 521 268
One of the problems could be in incorrect MIME type, for PDF files, as in this example, it’s application/pdf
Also, I would check the physical presence of the PDF in the files folder by the path: your files folder/journals/journalId/articles/submissionId/submission//proof
. In my example it’s: files/journals/1/articles/127/submission/proof/127-1-913...pdf
. In the file name 913 is a file id ( the first entry in the SQL query results)
@Vitaliy Please check inbox
Hi @Haroon_Sattar,
Sorry for the late response, I’m trying to give a reply as soon as I can.
Your database entry for a submission file looks good, it’s identified as application/pdf
, it has stage_id 10
as it should be. But physically the file is absent from a files folder. Each time someone is creating a galley or create a dependent file it’s saved in the proof
folder, it’s coded here:
I’m not sure why the folder is missing for a submission that has a PDF galley.
- Do you remember when you first encountered this issue? Do you remember whether it’s associated with an upgrade?
- If you create a galley for a new submission now does the file appear in the proof folder? You can check it the same by a submission id - submission id is the part of URL when viewing submission from a dashboard or published article on a front-end.