[OJS 3.1.1-4] PDF Loading Issue

Anyone who can help me please.
We are running two journals on same web hosting. One of the is perfectly running, however on second one we are facing this issue. I have attached screenshot too.

Further, files directory is writable.
Path of files is correct.Capture

Hi @Haroon_Sattar,

Can you specify what application and version are you using? Also, are there any relevant errors in PHP logs associated with the issue?

@Vitaliy Hello
No there is nothing in error log. It is completely empty.

We are using 3.1.1-4.

If you could help we will be much grateful.

Anyone who can spare 20 mins and come to any-desk or team-viewer for help would be much appreciated please.

Stream must have data most probably indicates that pdf.js cannot find PDF file. Can you send me a link to this page privately?

Hi @Haroon_Sattar,

Do you have access to the database to check one of the PDF files?

SELECT * FROM submission_files WHERE submission_id = 3015 AND assoc_id = 261

You should see something like:

913	1			127	application/pdf	1	342847	Sample_PDF_article.pdf	10			0	2018-06-19 07:15:14	2018-06-19 07:15:14	1	521	268	

One of the problems could be in incorrect MIME type, for PDF files, as in this example, it’s application/pdf.
Also, I would check the physical presence of the PDF in the files folder by the path: your files folder/journals/journalId/articles/submissionId/submission//proof. In my example it’s: files/journals/1/articles/127/submission/proof/127-1-913...pdf. In the file name 913 is a file id ( the first entry in the SQL query results)

@Vitaliy Please check inbox

@Vitaliy Please respond

Hi @Haroon_Sattar,

Sorry for the late response, I’m trying to give a reply as soon as I can.

Your database entry for a submission file looks good, it’s identified as application/pdf, it has stage_id 10 as it should be. But physically the file is absent from a files folder. Each time someone is creating a galley or create a dependent file it’s saved in the proof folder, it’s coded here:

I’m not sure why the folder is missing for a submission that has a PDF galley.

  1. Do you remember when you first encountered this issue? Do you remember whether it’s associated with an upgrade?
  2. If you create a galley for a new submission now does the file appear in the proof folder? You can check it the same by a submission id - submission id is the part of URL when viewing submission from a dashboard or published article on a front-end.