I have a OJS, installed in a LAMP setting. The editors would want that all the items in the Submissions section of the site, the All Active tab to be shown.
Now there is a limit of 20 items per page. By clicking the Load more link, the website loads another 20.
I modified in Settings/Websites/ Lists - Limit the number of items to 100, and saved, but it didn’t get the desired effect.
I searched in templates files, the /lib/pkp/templates/dashboard/index.tpl file seems to deal with this page.
In the tab it loads something, related to this: pkp.registry.init(‘active-list-handler-{$uuid}’, ‘SubmissionsListPanel’, {$activeListData});
I searched for the keyword SubmissionsListPanel, and I found it in some possible files of interest:
/js/load.js - but there I couldn’t find the 20 limit.
A probable file might be
/js/build.js - it contains 50 instances of 20 - many clearly not dealing with the issue. I tried to modify a few, but it didn’t do the trick.
A possible place could be:
function(t,e,n){“use strict”;var i=n(422),r=n.n(i),s=n(163),o=n.n(s),a=n(442),c=n.n(a),u=n(113);e.a={name:“ListPanel”,components:{ListPanelItem:u.a},data:function(){return{id:"",items:[],itemsMax:null,searchPhrase:"",isLoading:!1,isOrdering:!1,isFilterVisible:!1,count:20,offset:0,apiPath:"",getParams:{},activeFilters:{},noticeType:"",i18n:{},lazyLoad:!1,_lastGetRequest:null}},computed:{classStatus:function(){return{"-isLoading":this.isLoading}},itemCount:function(){return this.items.length},canLoadMore
But I think some other functions might check if the value is >20 and then what I modify doesn’t change anything.
Any hint would be appreciated!