OJS Changing home page appearance


We offer a hosting service for OJS and recently upgraded from 2.4.8 to Some of our users are struggling with the changes and given that I don’t get much involved in themes or styles I wanted to ask a question of the PKP community to ensure I’m giving the best advice.

One of our journal managers has content in Website>Appearance>Additional Content that appears on the home page underneath the Current issue that he wants to appear at the top of the page like this:

Our Mandate
Open Access
Call for Papers

Is this something that can only be accomplished by customizing templates or am I missing something obvious that would allow him to manipulate how content appears on the home page?



If you have several journals in one installation of OJS and only one journal wants to change the template, then I suggest you create a child theme.

If you use the default theme, you could use the default child theme here: https://github.com/NateWr/default-child

You just need to install that theme, enable it in the journal you need the custom page for and the add a template directory to that theme. In that directory you place a modified version if this template file: https://github.com/pkp/ojs/blob/master/templates/frontend/pages/indexJournal.tpl
The folder structure need to be the same templates/frontend/pages/. The additional home page content part is here https://github.com/pkp/ojs/blob/master/templates/frontend/pages/indexJournal.tpl#L77-L81 you just move it upwards in the template.

Thank you so much for your response. Sadly, we don’t offer that level of support but I will keep the solution you presented on file.