I installed OJS 3.0 (beta1) and have tryed to customize the CSS using the CSS-file upload. But even if I upload very basic css code nothing has happend at all. I have not found any documentation or issue report about this topic yet. After one day of work I am helpless. Any suggestions?
The code I tested was, for example:
body {
font-family: Georgia, ‘Times New Roman’, serif;
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 24px;
color: #C92323;
OJS 3.0 is not yet ready for production use. If you’re just exploring, then I’d suggest using a fresh copy from git – perhaps installed using this vagrant configuration.
If you’re looking to publish in production with OJS, I’d suggest staying with the current stable release until OJS 3.0 is finished.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for your information. Does this mean, that we cannot customize the CSS until OJS 3.0 will be published? We would like to test the system and to prepare our design.
The 3.0 beta is already outdated. I’d suggest using the vagrant configuration linked above, or a git checkout from the master branch; @NateWr has been working hard on the front-end design, including CSS, since the beta. A more recent copy will give you a much better idea of what OJS 3.0 will look like.
A vagrant-based installation will be easier than a git checkout, as there are submodule dependencies and composer dependencies to set up. The vagrant configuration file takes care of all that.
If you do manage to test out a fresh copy, please let us know what you think!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am also trying out OJS 3. I checked out the master branch from the OJS github repository. I installed it on a Window 10 system running WAMPServer. I can’t get the CSS files to upload to change the default configuration. Thanks for looking into it.
What’s likely happening is that your server is not able to identify your CSS file type based on its content. It’ll need to be identified by the server as either text/css or text/plain in order for the form to accept it. There are numerous threads on the forum about MIME type identification, and in this regard OJS3 is not substantially different from OJS 2.x. You’ll have to check your server’s configuration to see which of several available methods for identifying file types are available.
Incidentally, it looks like you’re trying to upload the Bootstrap CSS. Note that it’ll take a little more work than that to integrate Bootstrap with OJS, but see this work in progress for Bootstrap/OJS3 integration.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team