[OJS 3.0.2] These Request Revisions, Resubmit for Review, Send to Copyediting and Decline Submission button is missing

Hi, Why is my ojs did not have these Request Revisions, Resubmit for Review, Send to Copyediting and Decline Submission button on top right like the usuals?
My ojs is 3.0.2 version and I want to decline this submission but I can’t because there is no button to do so. I had to email the author to inform her about it.

I’ll give the picture and the editorial history
1 1
This is the submission view. It doesn’t have all the required button like the one below, 2

I have reffered from the other questions in this forum but none can help me with this.
Can anyone help me with this? I opened it from a journal manager account and the author submit this article herself.

Hi @kamaliah_yusoff,

I guess either you don’t have correct role/permissions or you are not assigned as the editor to the submission.

Regards, Primož

Hi @primozs,

Thank you for replying this question. But how can that possible because currently only one editor is handling this journal? For every submission, only one editor handle it. So how can I fix this? Do I have to log in as author and resubmit it or do you have any other recommendations?

Thank you,

Hi @kamaliah_yusoff,

assign the article to the editor (you). Submission-Participants (assign).

Regards, Primož

Hi @primozs,

It works. Thank you so much. Now I get it.

Regards, Kamaliah.