Hi, when creating review form we have an option to add Extended text box" field for input, that field is actually just extended box for input of plain text. When reviewers enter text they often use bullets or numbering for listing remarks, and when we send that text to authors we have a big problem, all formatting is gone and all text is plain, is there an option to include some text editor for this field so that we don’t have to check all emails before sending them?
Hi @knjigor,
Do you mean that users are manually entering HTML code in that field?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
No, not HTML code they should be able to enter rich text format, not an plain text so whet text is included in email it stays formated
This is how it looks now
And we think that it should be like this
Is there a way to include rich text editor here?
Hi @knjigor,
How are reviewers currently entering bullets/numbered lists?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
They enter numbered lists with new paragraph at the end but when we are including that in email all text is in one row.
Hi @knjigor,
Sorry, I’m still not sure I’m following exactly what they’re entering and what the result is. Could you include screenshots?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
This is screenshot of our review form, marked red is Extended text box, that doesn’t have any text formatting tolls.
This is screenshot of review form when reviewer enter text. As you can see, red marks represent where “paragraphs” are (reviewer hit “Enter” and he get paragraph).
On this screenshot is revision email that we are sending to author that includes reviews, as you can see, there are no paragraphs (i have put marks where they should be), all text is formatted as one paragraph.
in this screenshot is also marked box with tools like “bold”, “italic”, “link”… and that is how “Extended text box” should be like.
At this screenshot you can see database record. It is stored as plain text without paragraphs marks (HTML formatted text) so when we include it in any form for sending it will lose all formatting (it does have empty rows between rows with text but it isn’t formatted as HTML text).
And at this last screenshot we see that email’s are formatted as HTML text with all HTML marks, not as plain text and that is how review template Extended text box field should be stored.
I think that “rich text editor” (like tinymce) should be included in Extended text box element and not just plain box for text entry.
Hi @knjigor,
Ah, I see the problem clearly now, and agree with your recommendation.
I’ve filed this at Fix formatting of reviewer comments when imported from review form textbox into author email · Issue #2791 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. I’ll resolve the expedient issue shortly, and the longer-term recommendation (properly supporting a rich text editor in these fields) will probably wait until after OJS 3.1 is released.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Thank you, I have apply patch and it is ok now.