I have recently upgraded to OJS 3.0.2 and it is running very slow.
I have turned off error and warnings in config file and turned on minification.
Here are the requests that take most time.
Hi @Taz
It looks like your browser log, did you test your journal site against a service like Ping Dom Tools - https://tools.pingdom.com - or WebPage Speed Test - https://www.webpagetest.org/ ?
While former gives you time speed, later show your resources and how long each one is taking to respond requests.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes this is from my browser.
I am at localhost at the moment.
A localhost is as diverse environment just as a webserver (OS, software versions and so on).
PHP directives (like memory), read/write folder permissions or other things like those may influence in performance.
I read that https://www.webpagetest.org/ distribute its own source code so you may run it locally, perhaps it is a shot to try and debug. Or upload your install to a online
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
But what could be possible reason for these requests taking so long?
Is it common in OJS 3?
Hi @Taz
Did you check your webserver/php logs? It might give an idea about what is taking so long time to access.
Because is not common taking so long time to OJS 3 serve requests.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
As Israel says, is not common those long request issues.
Everytime our system is slow is due to server and network problems, but not the OJS platform itself
Problem solved after I moved site to live server.
I am seeing this same issue in one installation. Did you ever find out what was happening in your localhost?