recently I have installed OJS 3.0.1, and I am trying to figure out how to publish-creates xml galley so that it can be viewed in lens viewer. So far I manage to publish xml galley, but the xml file is not rendering. How to create a proper xml file with JATS standard? The error is icon “Loading…”. Is there any step by step manual on how to do that in OJS 3.0.1?
That’s the case, I didn’t find manual how to create xml, so i tried via word 2016(save as) but obviously that is not the write way?
Hot to do that, and how to validate them in JATS(what tool to use on windows)?
JATS XML is quite specific to scholarly publishing, so you’ll need a specific tool or experienced subcontractor. One option is to try Open Typesetting Stack to convert Word documents to JATS XML, but note that this will only get you probably 80% of the way there. Most groups use at least a little expert intervention in the conversion.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
thank you for your answer,
i used the Open Typesetting Stack, but got the same error(loading icon). Is there any manual (for OJS 3)on how to create valid JATS xml files from pdf, or doc/x-s?
I found one nice tutorial on YT but it’s for old version of ojs.
I would suggest validating your XML document against the JATS standard to ensure it conforms. Any XML editor should be able to do this; on my Linux platform I use the standard xmllint tool.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team