This must be a fairly frequently asked question, but I don’t see any answers.
Can you customize reviewer recommendation options?
This must be a fairly frequently asked question, but I don’t see any answers.
Can you customize reviewer recommendation options?
Hi @Newtonite,
This has indeed been requested before, but we haven’t implemented it yet. Because reviewer recommendations are just informational (i.e. they don’t affect what happens to the submission in workflow like the editor decisions do), this wouldn’t be especially complicated – but it’s not an oft-requested feature so we haven’t gotten to it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
following up the question, i know in the system we cant customize it … but what is the path in which we can modify these recommendation options?
Im using OJS latest version
Hi @jkings16,
What specific version of OJS are you using? (Please include this information in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
my deepest apologies, i’m currently using OJS, (i know is outdated ).
so I would like to know what is the path to customize the review recommendation options same as editor recommendation options.
I appreciate your assistance you always answer very fast.
best regards
Hi @jkings16,
In OJS 2.4.8-1, you’d customize reviewer decisions by editing the getReviewerRecommendationOptions
function in classes/submission/reviewAssignment/
. It should be similar for OJS 2.3.3-3 – but I do strongly recommend upgrading, as that release is almost 7 years old.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
thank you very much… I’ll check on this right away…
Hello again, sorry for expanding on this a bit more.
I found the location and checked on the “getReviewerRecommendationOptions” function to modify but it doesn’t show what I am looking for.
I am trying to modify the text on this specific area (shown in the picture) where it says “choose one” I need to modify those options “accept submission” “submission required” etc.
once again thank you in advance.
Hi @jkings16,
This thread is about reviewer recommendations, not editor decisions. Those will be a little more complex to edit, because they have effects on the workflow. Are you looking to rename them, or to extend them or change their behavior?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
thank you for your reply.
I was requested by my boss to rename them only, the behavior will not change.
Best Regards
Jeffrey Sebastian
Hi @jkings16,
You can edit locale/en_US/editor.xml
and find the editor.article.decision.
xyz locale keys, or better yet, use the Custom Locale Plugin to override them without requiring local edits.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec, I truly appreciate your constant help, I was able to find and work on it with no problem
wish you all the best
thank you again
Jeffrey Sebastian