Dear PKP Team,
In some of our systems (OJS 2.4.8) I observed that in the IN REVIEW section of the editors in some cases the classes (those for highlighting the items in different colors) are missing.
I checked the view source and found that for example the class="highlightNoDecision " was missing. The first two papers are okay, while the rest 5 appear totally uncolored with only and no classes were added, even if they had to be colored.
Could you please help me with any advice in this regard?
I have tried to install a fresh version of OJS 2.4.8 and then to connect directly to the same database but the situation was the same. I suppose that this error might have been occurred due to the database. A specific/unusual character in the database (for example a mathematical sign in the title, sigma/beta or any other unusual character) could occur this error?
I can send screen shot images as examples and html codes as well.
Thank you very much for your help!
Kind regards,