OJS site goes blank

Hello if anyone can help me with this error. I installed OJS on my site (www.fepbl.com) and site was up and running for good couple of months. Yesterday, it goes totally blank. The database is intact and file directory contains files, however, in browser, upon hitting the URL, it only return white blank screen. Anyone, please help me to resolve this.

Why not try upgrading to the latest version of OJS.

Hi @tahirkhanzaee,

Check your PHP error log for details. (But yes, upgrading is probably not a bad idea.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

How can I upgrade now when site is totally blank on URL. No idea about it. Also, I can install a fresh copy of ojs 3 but how will I transfer my articles from previous version to new one? anyone have any idea?

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I don’t know if it’s professional you can export a copy of your database then after the upgrade you import the article table back you just have to be carefull as they might be some relationship. Am new to OJS too.

Hi @tahirkhanzaee,

The best way to debug this will be to find the error message, which should appear in your PHP error log. Otherwise you’ll just be guessing and are likely to complicate things further.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team