Good afternoon,
The last time I needed some help, I was able to get everything I needed here so I wanted to ask another question of something I’m unsure of.
Recently, the department of the university who’s journal we are hosting wanted to know if it were possible to embed the Bepress Digital Commons Network Readership Activity Map onto the main page of the OJS site that we host. After looking into the topic, gathering more information about the code specifics, and exactly where this information would go, I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t know enough about the OJS system and editing the systems code to even begin to test with this.
My question is this: has anyone attempted to embed something similar to their OJS platform? If so, how did you do it? Where would the information go? What changes had to be made in order to get the feature functioning?
If it’s not possible, please tell me ASAP so I can inform the department that inquire about it.
Thank you very much,