Do I need to worry about this error below?
root@ojshosting4:/var/www/cjcp/cjc/tools# php rebuildSearchIndex.php
Clearing index … done
Indexing “Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie” … ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: Illegal string offset ‘en_US’
In file: /var/www/cjcp/cjc/lib/pkp/classes/core/
At line: 135
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysql
DB server version: 5.5.46-0ubuntu0.14.04.2
Hi @EdwardDavid,
This suggests that you’ve got a slight data incompatibility in one of your tables. Generally this won’t cause you any trouble, but if you want to pin it down, you’'ll need to find out what the system is doing when this message arises. One way to do that would be to turn on the “debug” option in and re-run the search index rebuild script; this will dump all SQL queries. Beware that visitors to the site will also experience this behavior while the option is enabled.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I enabled debug and reran the rebuildSearchIndex.php.
I am now getting :-
Clearing index … -----
(mysql): DELETE FROM article_search_object_keywords
1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
ADOConnection._Execute(DELETE FROM article_search_object_keywords, false)% line 864, file: /var/www/cjcp/cjc/lib/pkp/lib/adodb/
ADOConnection.Execute(DELETE FROM article_search_object_keywords, false)% line 226, file: /var/www/cjcp/cjc/lib/pkp/classes/db/
DAO.update(DELETE FROM article_search_object_keywords)% line 212, file: /var/www/cjcp/cjc/classes/search/
ArticleSearchDAO.clearIndex()% line 328, file: /var/www/cjcp/cjc/classes/search/
ArticleSearchIndex.rebuildIndex(true, null)% line 51, file: /var/www/cjcp/cjc/tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php
DB Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
How do I fix this issue?