Is possible to show de DOI of de article and de DOI of de supplementary files in the abstract of de article?
Now only show de article DOI
That would require a modification. I’d suggest starting by looking at templates/article/article.tpl
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi. Can you please be more specific? I aslo want this as my supplFile has a DOI, it would be great to show it @ article/view
Thanks in advance!
The relevant section in 2.4.3 is here:
Essentially, each public identifier plugin is given the current article or galley object ($pubObject
) and it return the public identifier (such as a DOI) for that object. This only operates on the current object, but if you look just above, you’ll find a section where the article object enumerates any galleys.
hi…how if i hosted 6 journal,where i must add php coding for show DOI,where template each journal? thanks you
What version of OJS are you using, @imronmuttaqin ?
In recent releases of OJS this should not involve PHP coding, just configuring the DOI plugin.
My ojs version Ctgraham
thanks for your response
I see your question is already answered here:
i am sorry ctgraham,i mean how to show DOI number under each articles on journal, my institution was registered as Crossref member,buat how i can show DOI number under articles if OJS hosted 5 journal, where i put the code? thank
The DOI automatically displays on the Article page when the DOI plugin is configured. It displays below the references and above the article footer.
how to make DOI under article table like this journal
where folder to find one of 6 hosted journal ? thanks. i can’at find Atturats Journal ini our OJS ( our ojs hosted 6 journal (Al-Albab Journal, Atturats Journal, KHatulistiwa Journal, Raheema ets), i want to modif placement of DOI on article tables, but i can’t where each journal template article,how if ia want to find Atturats Journal onliy
See this thread: