In my OCS 2.3.6, there is a trackdirector that is on 3 tracks. When he is in the page ‘/trackDirector/index/submissionsInReview’ not all of his pappers are listed. (PS: This track director was added after the submissions had been done.)
Yes, I’m sure he is a track director and is assign to all three tracks.
I tried to debug this and when the query “getUnfilteredTrackDirectorSubmissions” happens seems that a left join with “edit_assignments” table take many records off when this filter (WHERE) "e.director_id = ‘1295’’’ happens.
Anyone know why?
What is the table edit_assignments?
Hi @Israel87,
That table is where the editor assignments are stored. Is it possible that your assignments exclude the review stage? Check where assignments are made – there should be checkboxes there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your anwser Alec!
I didn’t do any modifications in this area. I think the system is behaving as the default. The only settings i’ve changed was to add the track director as a track director, and to add the track director with the track. I didn’t see any checkboxes there. I don’t know about exclude the review stage.
I think i’m starting to understand. When the submissions begun, there was just one track director to some tracks. Almost after submissions finished, more track directors were added to these tracks. I think the early papers are assigned to just one of the track directors, and the others papers are not assigned to the rest of the track directors.
Aren’t these assignments made automaticaly?
Hi @Israel87,
When you add a track director to a track, then any new submissions coming in to that track will have those editors automatically assigned. Adding a new track director to the track after a submission has already come in won’t affect it – the new director will only go onto new submissions automatically.
For existing submissions, check the submission’s Summary page. That’s where directors are assigned (and where the checkboxes that I mentioned are to be found).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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That’s it. Thank you for your help Alec!