Is it possible for the authors to complete an incomplete submission?
Can an author modify the submission? or Can a director send a submission back to authors if it is not complete?
Hi @wenbin,
Yes, authors should be able to complete incomplete submissions.
Whether or not authors can edit submissions is determined by the AuthorAction::mayEditPaper
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec, I need your advice.
In my OCS “Submission in review,” it has 29 items, but I can see only 25 items (1 - 25 of 29 Items) there’s no link to see the next page. What could be wrong?Thank you.
Hi @rena,
This thread is old, and not the same as your question. Could you post as a new topic? That’ll help to keep the forum organized. Include all relevant details, e.g. your version of OCS.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team