In my OCS I find “##submission.citations##” instead of reference or another name without #
I think it is a problem with language traslation.
Please, How can I fix it ?
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
What language are you working with, and what version of OCS?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi asmecher,
I am trying to install Italian language
Thank you so much for your support
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
What version of OCS are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you so much Alec
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
The Italian translation of OCS is missing that key. You can add it to lib/pkp/locale/it_IT/submission.xml
; look at lib/pkp/locale/en_US/submission.xml
for the English equivalent.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
How can I do this ? Where should I go to do this ?
Thank you so much Alec
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
You can either view/edit those files directly on your server, or you can turn on the Translator Plugin and use it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
How Can I tun on Translator Plugin ?
Which is the name of the files that should I edit directly on your server ?
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
If you want to edit the files directly, their names are listed above. To use the Translator plugin, you’ll need to log in with a Site Administrator account, then find the System Plugins > Generic Plugins.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have found plugin and the path /pkp/locale/it_IT/submission.xml
However, I haven’t found “submission.citations” in submission.xml but in check or verify list.
Here, there is a list and I have found “submission.citations”. I have tried to write italian label but when I pushed the botton save, the system have given a error “You don’t have permission to access /
on this server.Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request”
Perhaps, the key is missing by “/pkp/locale/it_IT/submission.xml”
What can I do ?
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
The 403 error suggests to me that your server is running some security software that is incorrectly flagging the save operation as an attack. I would suggest editing the files on the server directly, in lib/pkp/locale/it_IT/submission.xml
. There is some documentation on how to work with translation files at http://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php/Translating_OxS.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think I have found the problem.
There is not installed submission.xlm file.
Where Can I find it ?
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
That should be submission.xml
, and it should be included with your OCS 2.3.6 installation. It’s also available from github, but I wonder why it’s missing from your installation?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
it’s very strange because submission.xlm file is missing by OCS 2.3.6 installation
Please, could you check this ?
To insert this file in my server directory, Could easily I copy the file in the notes pubblished in the suggesting address (pkp-lib/submission.xml at ocs-stable-2_3_6 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub) saving with XML extension ?
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
Use the “Raw” button at the link I included above to download the file. Note that it’s submission.xml
, not submission.xlm
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have tried to add submission.xml on folder locale/it_IT but the problem persists.
By plugin, I have not ablet to modify ##“submission.citations” ## label in the general page of the submission. What I can do ? Should I edit file submission.xml ? What row and in wich positon should I insert in the file ?
Hi @PiccolaImpresa,
That should be in lib/pkp/locale/it_IT/submission.xml
, not locale/it_IT/submission.xml
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have modified the file the file in that path with this code at the last row.
However, but I am continuing to display the same message!
Please, what Could I do ?
Sorry, the system is improving…
I have found a good result with new submission
However, it remains this label ##author.submit.submissionCitations##
Why ? How Can I delete this ?