I’ve been having difficulties with creating papers report from Stats & Reports section in OCS 2.3.6.
Namely, I’ve established a conference, created tracks and published it (now it is in abstract submission phase).
I didn’t add Track Directors at the beginning (because I didn’t know who they were at that stage).
Now when I go to Stats & Reports and try to download a Papers Report, from 80 papers in review I only get last 3 that have been submitted after the track directors have been allocated.
Papers that were submitted prior to this (for which I manually assigned Directors through the paper summary page) do not appear in the report.
How do I get all of the papers (Unnasigned, In Review, Archived) back to CSV report?
I think most of this articles are in that stage - abstract accepted and awaiting upload. But in that stage on my other OCS installation I’m able to generate papers report… and here I’m not.
In both cases, the paper report plugin should exclude papers that are considered “incomplete”; that includes papers that are awaiting the paper upload in the two-step process. (I agree that this may be unexpected behavior – just describing how it’s currently implemented.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the info. I don’t think this behaviour was the same in 2.3.5 version?
I’ve had several conferences with all papers in a report no matter what stage they were in.