We are quite a way into our conference abstract submissions (about 300 so far). When an abstract is accepted and the status is at the paper stage “Awaiting Upload” if an author clicks on the title of a paper in their Active Submissions they are taken to the page:
Step 3. Uploading the Submission
3. Upload Submission 4. Confirmation
They cannot see their abstract as they could before in the “Summary” and “Review”.
The submissions are not moved yet to Presentations as they are not finished. We will not be displaying abstracts when finalised.
With apologies for the delay – what submission process are you using? Abstracts and files at the same time, or abstracts and submission uploads at a later date?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Do I understand that you’d like to present abstracts to authors when they’re preparing to upload their submission documents? Or that they should be able to e.g. go back and edit?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Letting authors see their abstracts that they have had accepted is what is needed. It may have had edits by the director or had edits by the authors before being accepted. So it may differ from what they originally submitted. That copy on the OCS site is the one canonical version that has been accepted but they can’t see it once its been accepted. The authors still have to upload the full paper.
For authors not being able to change the abstract after acceptance is fine. Only the Director should be able to change an accepted abstract.
I would suggest a quick template modification. You can edit templates/author/submit/stepn.tpl to get each step of the submission process. To add the abstract to the template, you would edit the corresponding class form (classes/author/form/submit/AuthorSubmitStepnForm.inc.php and add the abstract to the template in the display function: