I need Arabic trasnlation opf OCS. Does anyone have an Arabic translation of Open Conference Systems?
Best Regards,
Sonmez CELIK
I need Arabic trasnlation opf OCS. Does anyone have an Arabic translation of Open Conference Systems?
Best Regards,
Sonmez CELIK
Hi @snmzclk,
Not that I’m aware of – but tagging @mtub, who [handily] manages translations for us, in case he knows more.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @snmzclk, as far as I know, noone is working on an OCS translation right now. There are Arabic translations of OJS and OMP, see https://pkp.sfu.ca/wiki/index.php?title=OJS:Arabic(ar_IQ)
If you want to work on it yourself, please note that the active branch of OCS is ocs-dev-2_3
, see GitHub - pkp/ocs: Open Conference System
Hi Marco,
I don’t now Arabic. But a lecturer helping me for the Arabic Trasnlation of
OCS. If he complete the Arabic traslation I will be share wit you.
I have OJS Arabic traslation.
OJS 3.x hasn’t Turkish traslation. No one asked me for help in this
regard. I want to take responsibility for this. As you know, I have
translated old versions of OJS. I do not know why local versions of older
versions are not used for 3.x.
Best rgards
Sonmez CELIK
Sonmez CELIK
0555 4729975
Hi Sonmez,
thanks for your offer to further work on the Turkish translation. Please not that OJS 3 has a Turkish translation (ported over from OJS 2):
(Türkçe) → https://github.com/pkp/ojs/tree/master/locale/tr_TR
If you want to continue your work, please make sure that you work on the master
branches of GitHub - pkp/ojs: Open Journal Systems and GitHub - pkp/pkp-lib: PKP Web Application Library . If you can commit your changes via GitHub, that would be the best way, but please let me know if you have to submit your changes on a different way.
Hi Marco,
I created GitHub account and start to put my projects on GitHub. My account
adrress is snmzclk (Sönmez ÇELİK) · GitHub .
I installed OCS 3.x on my local computer and added translate plugin
(translate plugin was not installed default). I will translate missing
Turkish keys. On the other way I’m translating Open Conference Systems to
Turkish. I will put OCS Turkish language files on my GitHub account.
Best Regards,
Sönmez ÇELİK
Sonmez CELIK
0555 4729975