We have tried to get our OJS journal http://aldizkaria.ankulegi.org/index.php/ankulegi) indexed at the OAI Register (https://www.openarchives.org/Register/ValidateSite), receiving the following error:
The response to the ListIdentifiers verb with metadataPrefix oai_dc contained no identifiers.
[Warning] Identifier 1, ‘oai:ojs.aldizkaria.ankulegi.org:article/1’, is for a deleted record, skipping
[Warning] Identifier 2, ‘oai:ojs.aldizkaria.ankulegi.org:article/2’, is for a deleted record, skipping
[1] The response to the ListIdentifiers verb with metadataPrefix oai_dc contained no identifiers. Without at least one identifier, we cannot proceed with the validation tests.
Our baseURL is http://aldizkaria.ankulegi.org/index.php/index/oai and the full error log is available here:
Unfortunately, we known really little about OAI-PHM and its implementation in OJS (if there is a step-by-step guide, we have not find it), so any help will be much appreciated. Sincerely,
We don’t known if this could be related to the problem, but our repository hosts six full/public available issues (with proper metadata, we hope) and thirteen empty/private issues (bare registers of the monographic sections’ titles). The reason for this is that we are digitalising backwards, starting from the most recent printed issues.