OAI My journal error

https://ojs.stiead.ac.id/ OAI My journal error. Please help.

Hi @suparman,

What version of OJS are you using?
What error are you seeing?
(Please include this information in your posts.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @suparman

This thread might help you – you could see if that is also your case…



You are viewing an HTML version of the XML OAI response. To see the underlying XML use your web browsers view source option. More information about this XSLT is at the bottom of the page.

OAI Error(s)

The request could not be completed due to the following error or errors.
Error Code badVerb

Illegal OAI verb

Hi @suparman

I can access your OAI interface and it seems to work correctly, s. https://ojs.stiead.ac.id/index.php/LQ/oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc.
Just that the published articles are not listed. This might be the same issue as this one: OAI interface: Only deleted records - #4 by bozana. Thus, could you double check what is the value of the journal setting_name = ‘publishingMode’ in your database table journal_settings i.e. maybe double check/save the settings under Settings > Distribution > Access?


Can I be guided through the steps to bring back my list of records? My access journal is The journal will provide open access to its contents.

My access journal is The journal will provide open access to its contents.

Hi @suparman

We first have to figure out why your records are not displayed.
Could your read the posts from the link above and tell me what do you get i.e. above all first what is the value of the journal setting_name = ‘publishingMode’ in your database table journal_settings?


Where can I get this information the value of the journal settings_name = ‘publishingMode’ in your database table journal_settings? On what menu?

function _getRecordsRecordSet($setIds, $from, $until, $set, $submissionId = null, $orderBy = 'journal_id, submission_id') {
	$journalId = array_shift($setIds);
	$sectionId = array_shift($setIds);

	$params = array('publishingMode', (int) PUBLISHING_MODE_NONE, (int) STATUS_DECLINED);
	if (isset($journalId)) $params[] = (int) $journalId;
	if (isset($sectionId)) $params[] = (int) $sectionId;
	if ($submissionId) $params[] = (int) $submissionId;
	if (isset($journalId)) $params[] = (int) $journalId;
	if (isset($sectionId)) $params[] = (int) $sectionId;
	if (isset($set)) {
		$params[] = $set;
		$params[] = $set . ':%';

Hi @suparman

You would need to have an access to your database and to execute an SQL there, something like:
SELECT * FROM journal_settings WHERE setting_name = 'publishingMode'

When you are already there and testing, could you please also try this SQL:

SELECT	GREATEST(a.last_modified, i.last_modified) AS last_modified,
a.submission_id AS submission_id,
j.journal_id AS journal_id,
s.section_id AS section_id,
NULL AS tombstone_id,
NULL AS set_spec,
NULL AS oai_identifier
published_submissions pa
JOIN submissions a ON (a.submission_id = pa.submission_id)
JOIN issues i ON (i.issue_id = pa.issue_id)
JOIN sections s ON (s.section_id = a.section_id)
JOIN journals j ON (j.journal_id = a.context_id)
JOIN journal_settings jsl ON (jsl.journal_id = j.journal_id AND jsl.setting_name='publishingMode')
WHERE	i.published = 1 AND j.enabled = 1 AND jsl.setting_value <> 2 AND a.status <> 4 AND j.journal_id = 1
