I am journal manager and am assigned to all submissions which are handled by an Editor. When an accept or decline decision is made I receive no notification, thus getting in a frustrating panic because ms display label “copyediting” but no copy-editor is assigned (!).
Is there a better way to handle this? How can be ensure I do not lose track of accepted submissions?
Thanks for any help
Hello everyone… I have received no reply to this problem, so I guess I am the only one with not receiving notifications for accepted manuscripts. Any examples of how you configure the workflow so that a message of acceptance is received correctly?
Hello Lucia,
Thanks for following up on your question and we apologize for the delay in response. In OJS 3.1, the decision emails only get sent to the submitting author.
It is possible to get BCC’d to automated emails will also require a code modification. If you are interested in this option, please see the following post: Is it possible for editors to email reviewers without having to turn on automated email reminders? - #6 by asmecher
Later versions of OJS automatically assigns a copyeditor to every submission when one is received, if the journal only has 1 enrolled copyeditor.
Kind Regards,
Thanks Patricia, I will drop this for the time being, as no code modification is possible at our end.