Hi, I successfully installed the OJS 3 and I wanted to set journal redirect option, but surprisingly I don’t have that option in my user panel. This is very strange because I am the only one who has access to the website, I did the entire installation process, etc, so I really don’t understand how can I not be the site administrator (I currently have the role of Journal Manager).
Can someone help me how to get the admin privileges?
The site administration area is hidden until you create at least two journals. For a single-journal site, all the settings you need should be available directly in the journal setup.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks… That’s the thing, I saw in other people’s posts that there is the option of “journal redirect” in administration, but I do not have that option…
The redirect option won’t do that – what you want is URL rewriting using Apache’s mod_rewrite module. Take a look through this forum for posts on that; it’s not trivial to set up, but there are some good examples/configurations.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team