I have a problem with Send To Copyediting Button in OJS 3. It is not shown. I am the Journal Editor, and also Section Editor. I attach the screenshot.
I have a problem with Send To Copyediting Button in OJS 3. It is not shown. I am the Journal Editor, and also Section Editor. I attach the screenshot.
Hi @Nicolae,
Hmm, have you made any modifications to your installation? At a glance, Send to Copyediting should always be presented with the others.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
On my local server it works ok, but not on my university server. I have made a comparison and on the university server the “li” tag for Copyediting button is there, but the button has 256x0 dimensions instead of 256x34!
It works only on Firefox! Chrome and Safari do not show the button! I am on a MacBook Pro, macOS Sierra, and the University server is Ubuntu. (As I said, on my local MAMP server, it works ok on all three browsers.)
Hi @Nicolae,
Have you assigned an editor to that submission? If not, the “Send to Copyediting” button is supposed to be hidden.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes, but it did not work. Yet with Firefox I was able to make a lot of good work, see Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa
Hi @Nicolae,
Hmm, not sure what would cause that, but my first guess is that you’ve got some CSS loaded on the site that’s hiding the <a>
element, possibly due to a CSS selector clash.
Since you know how to use the browser’s dev tools, can you take a screenshot of all the styles that are being applied to that button’s <a>
element? In Chrome there’s also a “Computed” tab that will show you the value of all properties applied to an element. That might be useful.
Hi @NateWr,
I send you the screenshots. “height” seems to be non-editable…
Hi @Nicolae,
I can see that the display
is set to none
. So now we just need to track down what’s causing that. Next to the Computed tab, you’ll see a Styles tab. That will show you all the selectors and rules which match the element, and which file those selectors and rules came from.
You should search in them for something that says:
display: none;
Once you find it, you’ll see for that block there’s some text that will point to a file. It might look something like stylesheet.css
. Right clicking on that, and opening in a new tab should give you the full URL, which will tell you the source of that rule.
Do you have an addblocker app active in the browsers that are not showing the button?
YES!!! That was the problem!
Thank you very much, @ajnyga! Thank you also for your help, @NateWr!
Finally it works! Wonderful!
One of our journals encountered a similar situation a while back: [OJS] uBlock Origin browser plugin causing problems in OJS 3.0.2 · Issue #2316 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub