We have two servers, one production, one development, both multi-journal OJS instances. As the “admin” user, I have created a journal successfully on the dev server for minor testing and then created the same journal on the production server. But when creating the production instance of the journal, also as “admin” it ‘saved’ but also produced an error: No journal in context! The journal is listed in the “Hosted Journals” listing and I can “Edit” it, but if I select the “Settings Wizard” or “Users” it produces the same error. If I select the journal from the top-left hand journal selection list, it takes me to the “admin” user page.
Here is our setup:
Current version:
OS platform: Linux
PHP version: 7.4.6
Apache version: Apache
Database driver: mysqli
Database server version: 10.2.36-MariaDB
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.