I’m transitioning our existing journal to OJS and am using v. 2.?.
As part of our phased transition, I’m setting up accounts for reviewers from our old system. I customized the prepared email for registering a new reviewer, explaining the transition and with a lot of details. I set up a test reviewer with a new account as BOTH Reviewer and Reader (because we provide all our reviewers with complimentary access to our content). However, the only email that was sent was the default Reader email. Why wasn’t the Reviewer email also sent?
Hi @achristian,
It depends on where you’re creating accounts. If you’re creating reviewers as an Editor in the context of the review workflow, then you’ll be using the reviewer template; if you create one through the Journal Manager’s “People” interface, it’ll use the more generic (reader-oriented) one.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Could I make a suggestion that this doesn’t make sense and that in future versions, when a user is created in either scenario, they are sent the email that corresponds to their highest-level access? I was batch-entering reviewers, so doing it through the People interface, not as part of a particular submission. It makes much more sense to me that if they’re assigned a Reviewer role, they’ll receive the Reviewer email template.
But if this is the way it’s working now, can you tell me how to create a new Reviewer account in the review workflow process? Would they automatically be assigned to that paper, or could I create them there (so they get the right email) but cancel them out of reviewing a particular paper?
Hi @achristian,
When creating a reviewer as Editor, you do so within the context of a particular submission’s review process – so the creation/assignment process are tied together and streamlined. It’s currently not possible to just create an account, but not assign them to the submission in the bargain, using that process. To just create an account, you’d need to use the Journal Manager’s area.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team