Currently we are using OJS and we need to separate the article rejected before review and after review.
Currently all the articles rejected are moving to “Archives”, But we need to separate this into two. Some papers we reject during preliminary stage without review from “SUMMARY” and some papers are rejected after review. So we need two separate section for that.
How its possible ?
Hi @sonbabyjohn,
If you mean that you’d like a separate “Archive” queue for each case, there’s nothing in OJS to perform that for you – it would require some coding modifications.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for the reply.
If we need the code modification, where all we need to change it ? Can you guide me on the same ???
Hi @sonbabyjohn,
I’m afraid we can’t guide you through this in detail – if you get stuck on a specific aspect, perhaps we can provide some guidance.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Please provide me your guidance, let me try on my test site as it is required by Editor-in-Chief …