Hi there! I recently installed OJS 3.0 and I’m having problems to get it to work. When I create a new Journal it freezes without doing anything, just this screen (it doesnt matter how long I wait):
If I cancel it, it actually creates the journal, but for some reason without the title:
It does let me change the title back, but when I try to configure the settings it doesn’t let me, saying that my current role does not have access to that operation (even though I should have access to it as the creator of the journal)
I have checked all the roles available in my profile (I dont know if the first one being blank is intended), but it still doesn’t let me. I also can’t submitt articles or do anything at all. ¿Any ideas?
I suspect there’s something relevant in your PHP error log from where you attempted to create the journal; it looks like that process didn’t complete successfully. The log should tell you more.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec, thank you for your help. When I try to open the PHP error log it says “The system could not find the specified path” and then the log is blank. I’m not sure how to fix that, but I’m guessing it has something to do with the problems OJS is giving me.
You’ll have to figure out how to access your server’s PHP error log – this is host-specific and there may be a knowledge base or something that your service provider offers. It’s outside of OJS.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team