Native XML Plugin and NativeImportExportPlugin CLI for massive data import

Describe the issue or problem
The database has a FK constraint between publications table and authors table which prevents issue import data to be processed.

Steps I took leading up to the issue
I have wrote a section at the end of the readme file named Hack your way. Please refer to it.

What application are you using?
OJS 3.4.0-8

Additional information
Please refer to Hack your way from the readme file

Hi kosson,

OJSXML is originally coded to work with OJS 3.3, are you sure it was properly ported to OJS 3.4?

Best regards,

@jnoronha It works for 3.4. It was adapted from GitHub - rkbuoe/ojsxml: converts a csv file to ojs native import xml repo, which, in turn, is a fork of the original repo from GitHub - ualbertalib/ojsxml: converts a csv file to ojs native import xml. I have added a few things to make it work. I use it for a big project, and it does a clunky good job. I managed uploading issues with no problems other than those pointed in the aforementioned “Hack your way” section of the README file.