Native XML Import: Defining Order of Articles [solved]

Is there any element or attribute, which defines the order of articles imported via native XML import?

The imported older issues of our magazine should be ordered by their page numbers. If there is any opportunity to define the ordering, please let me know.


Hi Tobias,

There is an element that you can include in the native XML for sequence, called “seq”, which defines the order the submission will appear in the issue. It corresponds to the sequence column in the published_submissions table.

Please consult the native.xsd file located in the importexport/native directory for all of the details.


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Thanks Jason, this works perfectly!

I’ve seen the seq attribute, and thought about »Could this be ›sequence‹?«. In the UI it’s »order«, so I was quiet unshure.
»seq«’s use is not commented in native.xsd, and it’s not used in the sample.xml. I exported a published issue, but »seq« was always “1”, so I got no real clue, that this will define the ordering of the articles.
