Native export failure in OJS

yes, I can export that article normally:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<article xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" locale="en_US" date_submitted="2016-10-19" stage="production" date_published="2016-10-19" section_ref="ART" seq="2" access_status="0" xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd"><id type="internal" advice="ignore">36</id><title locale="en_US">CAPTURE OF SO2 BY LIMESTONE IN A 71 MWe PRESSURIZED FLUIDIZED BED BOILER</title><abstract locale="en_US">&lt;p&gt;A 71 MW&lt;sub&gt;e&lt;/sub&gt; pressurized fluidized bed coal combustor was operated. A wide variety of coals were burnt under fly ash recycle conditions. Limestone was fed to the combustor as bed material as well as sorbent. The emission of SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; and limestone attrition rate were measured. A simple mathematical model of SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; capture by limestone with intermittent solid attrition was applied to the analysis of the present experimental results. Except for high sulfur fuel, the results of the present model agreed with the experimental results.&lt;/p&gt;</abstract><type locale="en_US">Text</typ

And all the other article of that issue too? I have no idea… :-\ I give up… :slight_smile:

Hi @vvucic and @bozana,

The XML elements are not showing because the browser is trying to display the XML as HTML. To see the raw XML you’ll need to save the page or View Source.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

What I have to do on my side?

This is source from page view source of that unsuccessful export of issue:

Validation errors:

unterminated entity reference Chemical Engineering Niigata University

unterminated entity reference Chemical Engineering Niigata University

unterminated entity reference Chemical Engineering Niigata University

Internal error: xmlSchemaVDocWalk, there is at least one entity reference in the node-tree currently being validated. Processing of entities with this XML Schema processor is not supported (yet). Please substitute entities before validation..

Element '{}issue': Missing child element(s). Expected is ( {}articles ).

Invalid XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<issue xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" published="1" current="0" access_status="1" xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd"><id type="internal" advice="ignore">4</id><issue_identification><volume>7</volume><number>1</number><year>2003</year><title locale="en_US">Thermal Science</title></issue_identification><date_published>2016-10-24</date_published><last_modified>2016-10-24</last_modified><sections><section ref="ART" seq="2" editor_restricted="0" meta_indexed="1" meta_reviewed="1" abstracts_not_required="0" hide_title="0" hide_author="0" hide_about="0" abstract_word_count="250"><id type="internal" advice="ignore">1</id><abbrev locale="en_US">ART</abbrev><title locale="en_US">Articles</title></section></sections><issue_galleys xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd"/></issue>

Could not convert selected objects.

Yes, it starts with HTML. See screenshot of source:

Yes, that message seems better :-))) But for some strange reasons, there are no articles in the XML…

Please let me know if I can help in some way.


Hi @vvucic,

Could you save the XML to your machine and make the file available for download somewhere?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I can give you XML of article but when the export of issue is concerned I do not have XML. I just have message that I posted.

In issue XML, as you can see above, there seem to be no articles. I’ll try to imagine :wink: (figure out) why is this happening… At the moment I have no idea… :-\

All that I have from attempt to export issue in native xml I pasted yesterday. Let me know if I can help in any way.

@vvucic, I believe it is because of some special characters (I think in this case “&”) that are not escaped properly. I just wonder how does it work in article export :open_mouth: