[OJS]Unable to view or download published PDFs

my ojs cannot view pdf and download article. i’ve trying lots of suggestions about this thread like: “file permission”, “files_dir”, “pdf viewer issues”, but the problem not solved. i read the thread hacking of OJS 3.0.1 via submission, but i can’t find any solution there. Then, when i access the submission file, 500 Internal Server Error message show up. it was happen after i move files directory outside public_html. I trying all of the suggestion for 2 weeks, but the proble still not solved. Please help me.
This is the link: https://ejournal.stkipsantupaulus.ac.id/index.php/jpkm/article/view/504/264

Hi @jurnal_Pendidikan_Ke,

Did you make any other changes to your site besides (moving the files outside of public_html)?

Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team

thank you @pmangahis to response my question.
i move the directory outside public_html after we got this problem. i put back file_dir into public_html but the problem still not solved. help please

Hi @jurnal_Pendidikan_Ke,

This following thread might be a good resource for this issue.

Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team

@jurnal_Pendidikan_Ke This might be a long shot, but for us enabling the php intl extension solved not being able to view pdfs.