Multiple feature requests for OJS3


Thank you for your thorough response! I of course undestand that you get a lot of requests and can imagine that some of them are also contradicting.

  1. I believe it is not a new field, there is a title field in the user profile. However, this field is not available when adding a new reviewer from the workflow. But I do think that the solution you mentioned should be adequate.

  2. Yes, the other problem here I believe is that when submitting revisions the authors actually remember to choose the right file from the pull down. I’ve also had questions whether it would be possible to upload all the files at once (I once again compare to WP) and define what they are after that. Overall it seems that there is a lot of questions concerning file uploads.

  3. I think this is more a question of journals wanting to rename the already existing recommendations. If they would come from the database, it would be a lot easier. If I understand correctly there is no actual functionality tied to the recommendations.

  4. I have this in my todo list (with a lot of other things)

  5. I would be happy to hear about these plans and would be happy to participate during spring.

  6. [OJS] Can OJS send automatic reminder emails to authors whose article still needs revisions? I have this in my todo as well. I will probably start working on it in January. Before that I have my hands full with upgrading our site to OJS3.

  7. Glad to hear that this has been concidered.

  8. Just to clarify, I mean this panel in production stage. In copyedit stage the same panel has the option of selecting a file from earlier stages and I can’t figure out why this would not be a good option in production stage as well.