Multiple error in custom block manager after upgrading from ojs 2.4.8 to ojs

I have successfully upgrade from ojs 2.4.8 to ojs

The custom block manager plug in is there but there is multiple problem with it.
i dont have any custom block on the old ojs.

cannot put space bar in the name
cannot edit the block name after i save it
the block name doesnt appear on the front

Hi @mohd_arshad

Yes, you cannot have spaces in the name of a custom block. The form won’t save that way.

If you create a block, remember to add it to the sidebar further in the appearance section of your Website settings. It won’t show until you drag it over into the sidebar.


I have other jounals that can rename the custom block with spacebar. Its on clean new instalation on ojs 3.1.
This journal on 3.1.2 i cannot put space bar. I also cannot rename the spacebar and the title doesnt appear.

Above the scopus logo there supposed to be a title.

Hi @mohd_arshad

The validation for block name no longer allows spaces. See the validation regex for the form and the blockname field:
