in one of our journals we are encountering the following problem:
The journal is setup as being bilingual german and english on all three “levels” (ui, forms and submissions) with german set as the primary language. Article and issue metadata can for each individual case either be german or english. The behaviour we would expect is now, that when there is only either a german or an english translation of a given metadata field (but not both) the respective other one should be shown regardless of the frontend language selected by the user. It seems to work for articles that way. But for Issue Titles, it only works for german; if there is only an english translation and the selected frontend language is german the title is not show and instead the Volume number is shown instead.
I was wondering: Is this behaviour intended? If so, are there any work arounds (preferably not involving changes in the templates)? Or maybe i’m doing something wrong?
Hello the,
I am not a very experienced user probably but I have just started my first journal in two languages (Italian and English). I enter contents in BOTH languages (title, short title, abstract, etc…)
I find that the issue title displays correctly in each language, as you can see in these two screenshots:
However, as you can see above, I get a lot of ## here an there in the local language. Does this happen to you?
If I can be a sounding board for you I will be happy…
@thf, generally speaking our multilingual model involves identifying a “primary” locale, for which certain data is required, and then allowing users to enter data in other locales optionally. When displaying an item, we try first in the viewer’s current locale, then fall back on the primary locale if that doesn’t exist.
Which locale is the primary locale will depend on the submission (in the case of e.g. submission metadata), the journal (when looking e.g. at journal settings, issue metadata, etc), and failing those,the site (e.g. in the case of user given and family names).
There are a few special cases, like issue identification, because it’s comprised of the title (which is multilingual-capable), plus other information like volume, number, and year. This will depend on how your journal is configured to identify issues. What have you chosen for the issue identification options under the “Issue Data” tab?
@lsteele, whenever you see, it means that the translation of the system you’re using is incomplete. Please stay tuned on the PKP blog for an announcement about a new toolset to update translations of our software! It’ll be much easier than it’s been in the past.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The translation tools automatically identify what’s missing, and request the missing pieces from the translator. If you’d like to see how this works and maybe give us some feedback, please send me a private message! We’re just getting it ready to launch.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team