Presently We are using a different OJMS for one of our journal and can create XML for DOI/DOAJ/PUBMED for content deposition. Now we want to use OJS for this journal.
How we can import back Volume/Issue/Articles to OJS?
Please help!
Getting this message
for DOI XML import
- Element ‘{http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.6}doi_batch’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root.
for DOAJ XML import
- Element ‘records’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root.
Hello @IJLR,
I’m not sure I’m understanding the problem correctly, so please let me know if I’m wrong! If you are looking to move the content of articles/issues from one OJS install to another, the Native XML Plugin under Export/Import will allow you to do so.
Hello @EmmaU
Thanks for your response.
I want to transfer content from other source (portal which we are using currently, not OJS) as we want to shift to OJS and back issues of 10 years to be imported to OJS.
If you want to mass import articles to the OJS you should use the Native XML plugin that has the import functionality.
Regards, Primož
Hi @primozs
Thanks for your response. I tried but i am getting this message
- Element ‘records’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root.
As far as I understand, your current journal management system is NOT OJS. So, you are not able export the issues and articles in XML files which OJS could import.
DOAJ, DOI or Pubmed XML export plugins of your current system will probably export only a limited portion of your data. I think OJS developers could give you more clue. Since our journal didn’t have a portal before OJS, I had to prepare and submit native xml files manually, and it took much time.
One of the ways may be using data protocols that indexes use for exchanging data, but I have no experience on that.
That means the XML you have is not correct. See more: https://github.com/pkp/ojs/tree/master/plugins/importexport/native
Regards, Primož