i am not sure, where to post this,
We have a university publishing platform for OJS
a journal that will be joining our platform shortly and will obtain a new url on our site.
The journal is already registered with doi,s from Crossref on an external OJS platform.
What is the procedure when we move the journal on to our OJS platform?
Do the doi’s redirect automatically when we activate the plugin that is embedded in OJS?
The journal will be sett up to have doi’s assigned automatically on new articles with our prefix/suffix
Migration of a journal with DOI and URLs change is quite a challenge… But it is not connected with the OJS. It is connected with the DOI deposit/management at the CrossRef. What you have to do is:
creating alias DOIs
change URLs for the DOIs
Assigning aliases you have to do manually, while OJS can help you with changing URLs.
My personal opinion is that changing DOIs is not a good idea and correct approach.
Hi @fonn - glad you found a solution with Crossref.
Just so the information is available to others looking for the same answers, I wanted to mention that you can enter old DOIs into OJS and then use the plugin to synchronize them with Crossref. This will actually update the URL and other metadata associated with the DOI.
To be clear for anyone doing this, if you already have DOIs there is no reason or login in changing a DOI. No aliases are needed.
Hi @bernieh, it is a bit of a manual process. We did ours something like this:\
Use QuickSubmit plugin to create archival submission (from old issues)
Once created, view the submission
Navigate to the Publication tab a the top
Click on Identifiers on the sidebar
Enter the DOI
You’ll need to potentially adjust or turn off any automatic assignment settings you may have enabled in the DOI plugin. You’ll also need to make sure the submission is not yet published, since it can’t be changed while it’s in the Published state. We did this by keeping old issues unpublished until all the submissions were added with DOIs. Then one click on the issue publishes them all.
Make sure you have the Crossref API key in the plugin settings if relevant to you. Then once the issues are all published, you may need to visit the plugin page once again to submit the new metadata for all your migrated DOIs.
We ran into a couple errors at this point due to different time formats, but a quick email exchange with Crossref support fixed everything. Just check your logs if you run into any issues.