I want to modify the “Articles Report” to add new fields and remove others.
I want to add fields such as:
Author comments
File name and URL for Review Version
File name and URL for Author Version
File name and URL for Editor Version
And I want to remove:
Author ORCID iD
Author URL
Author Affiliation
Author Bio Statement
How and where do I have to do?
On the other hand, I downloaded the CSV file “Articles Report”, and I have many problems to import correctly. I’m importing CSV with Excel and some fields are not appear placed properly, characters with accents or ñ, ç … are not displayed correctly …
Any suggestions for proper display of the CSV?
Thank you very much for the help.
Hi @josegovia,
The articles report is implemented in plugins/reports/articles/
If you’re having trouble with character encodings, I’d suggest checking some of the instructions here:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you very much.
I have understood the import of CSV.
But I am not able to modify the query to include in the report fields:
Author comments
File name and URL for Review Version
File name and URL for Author Version
File name and URL for Editor Version
And remove:
Author ORCID iD
Author URL
Author Affiliation
Author Bio Statement
Please Can you show me an example ?. for example including “Author comments” and removing “Abstract”.
Thank you.
I would like to include file name in the Article Report. It’s probably ArticleReportPlugin.inc.php and ArticleReportDAO.inc.php. Would appreciate hints on that.