I want to ask you for the file you must modify to change the text of “References”. It appears in each section of each article created.
I attached the screenshot :
Thank you. I hope your answer.
I want to ask you for the file you must modify to change the text of “References”. It appears in each section of each article created.
I attached the screenshot :
Thank you. I hope your answer.
Text in OJS is managed through “locale keys” for translation purposes. You can customize translations via the Translator Plugin, or the Custom Locale Plugin. Find each of these under Generic Plugins:
User Home → Journal Manager → System Plugins → Generic Plugins
To find which “locale key” to modify, note that the URL ends in article/view, so see the “article handler” to find the view action.
The view action is loading the article.tpl template.
Thie first <h4> after the full text is:
Finding the key ‘submission.citations’ in the Translator Plugin is a bit of a nightmare, but the answer ends up being the lib/pkp/locale/en_US/submission.xml file:
Once in the Translator plugin, “Edit” that file and you can search for the key “submission.citations” to avoid stepping though 14 pages of the file.
Hello @ctgraham.
Sorry for the delay in answering but I have not been out a few weeks.
I can specify the path to change the text of the files you refer me ?
Thank you!
In the snippets from GitHub above, the path to the files is referenced at the end of the URLs.
For example, pkp/ojs/ blob/ojs-stable-2_4_7/ templates/article/article.tpl indicates that you can find the file in the OJS root directory, under “templates/article/article.tpl”.
In pkp/pkp-lib/ blob/ojs-stable-2_4_7/ locale/en_US/submission.xml, the file is in the shared library, so you will find it under the OJS root of “lib/pkp/locale/en_US/submission.xml”.
The “en_US” locale folder will vary based on your locale selection.
^ please see the above.
Excuse me, but I do not understand you . The shared library file does not match my route .
Please tell me the correct path .
The first indicating , if it appears in my " templates / article / article.tpl " folders but the second did not file named /submission.xml appear in any of the folders in any language.
Thank you and I hope your help.
In the screenshot above, you are looking at the folder:
There are additional “locale” folders in the system. In particular, see:
What files do you see there?
Now if it was correct last route.
Thank you!