Modify an article under review by the author in OJS 3.x


I am faced with a problem that I do not know how to deal with in the new version of OJS. I explain:

When the author uploads his article in doc, it goes to review and that’s where my problem comes in. The reviewer detects an error and asks the author to modify the file. It is where now, the author, does not find within the panel the option to replace the file.

Can you guide me with the steps that must be carried out? Thank you and I am waiting.

@marc, te etiqueto para tu conocimiento, tal y como hablamos de problemas/novedades que vea en la nueva version para tu conocimiento…

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Hi @gardbeat

The author should upload the new files in the “Revisions” grid. See also “Responding to a Review” part of the OJS 3 documentation


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Hi @bozana,

Indicate that when I click on the second tab, the following message appears: “The review process has not yet started.” I await your response.

Hi @gardbeat

Hmmm… What steps exactly your submission has made? – First an editor have to be assigned, then the editor would send the submission to review. Apparently this step has not happened yet?
Then the editor would chose and assign reviewers and make a decision, e.g. that further revisions are needed. He would inform the author and the author would upload a file revision in the “Revisions” grid.

Else, if the review has not been started yet and the author would like to upload a new version of the file, he/she could do it in the “Submission Files” grid – there where his/her original document is. He/she can upload a new revision of the file there, or a new file.


Hi @bozana.

Do you have a manual or an image capture to see if it has been assigned correctly? Thanks and I look forward to your response.

Hi @gardbeat

Take a look at the OJS 3 documentation, maybe the authoring: Authoring, and editorial workflow: Editorial Workflow.

Else, maybe you can send me the screenshot, what your author sees when he/she goes to that submission.

Also, you have not explain me in which state you submission is…
