I have problem regarding my website. The hamburger menu which appeared automatically in mobile version something work and something doesn’t work (sometime clickable, but sometimes un-clickable). I have tried to look for solution in the internet, but still couldn’t find any solution for this problem. I have also tried to tweak some code on file navbar.tpl but still, it’s not solved until now. I’m feeling kinda frustrated cause I don’t want the visitor feeling frustrated that they have no option/navigation when they visit my site by mobile.
Currently, my website use OJS and it seems like it’s not possible to upgrade to OJS 3 or the latest one due to PHP is still at 5 and it’s gonna be a long time to ask for the webserver to upgrade the PHP version. I am also unable and don’t know where to see any error log. The only error message that I am able to see (accidentally) is: "OJS2 HAS PRODUCED AN ERROR MESSAGE: USER WARNING: SMARTY ERROR: UNABLE TO READ RESOURCE: “COM”. This message is unfinished, and can be seen accidentally when I tried to access the website using mobile.
OJS 2.x doesn’t come with a hamburger icon or responsive theme, so I suspect you’re encountering something related to a third-party theme and will need to contact them.
I do encourage you to try to find a way forward to OJS 3.x – PHP 5.x has long been considered obsolete, and a good service provider should always provide you with access to your PHP log.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, I use a responsive and it included hamburger menu. At first I think it related with the Google Analytics tags, so I tried to change the tags, but it’s still in that status (sometimes working, sometimes not). Probably the best solution for now is to ask for PHP upgrade so I could use the latest version of OJS too.
Ah yes. The Mason Publishing Group theme. The best theme in my opinion for Yes, I will consider to ask for my editor in chief to talk about this upgrade thing for the best plan.