Missing / Not showing articles after upgrade to OJS 3.1


After upgrade from to 3.1 some articles exists in database, but they are show displayed in administration area.
In this example, this author have 2 articles, OJS counts 2 but just display one:

And this is the json result of this page:

{“items”:[{“id”:148862,“fullTitle”:{“pt_BR”:“De colaboradores a agentes digitais de reputa\u00e7\u00e3o da marca:: o caso "Essa Coca \u00e9 Fanta, e da\u00ed?"”,“en_US”:“From employees to digital agents of brand reputation:: the case "Essa Coca \u00e9 Fanta, e da\u00ed??"”,“es_ES”:“De empleados a agentes digitales de reputaci\u00f3n de la marca:: el caso "Essa Coca \u00e9 Fanta, e da\u00ed?"”},“status”:{“id”:1,“label”:“Queued”},“submissionProgress”:0,“stages”:[{“id”:1,“label”:“Submission”,“isActiveStage”:true,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536],“statusId”:1,“status”:“No editor has been assigned to this submission.”,“files”:{“count”:0}},{“id”:3,“label”:“Review”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536]},{“id”:4,“label”:“Copyediting”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536],“files”:{“count”:0}},{“id”:5,“label”:“Production”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536],“files”:{“count”:0}}],“reviewRounds”:,“reviewAssignments”:,“locale”:“pt_BR”,“urlWorkflow”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/authorDashboard/submission/148862”,“urlAuthorWorkflow”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/authorDashboard/submission/148862”,“urlEditorialWorkflow”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/workflow/access/148862”,“_href”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/api/v1/submissions/148862”,“authorString”:“Jo\u00e3o Guilherme de Melo Peixoto, Sabrina Medeiros Wanderley de Queiroz”,“urlPublished”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/article/view/148862”},{“id”:145148,“fullTitle”:{“pt_BR”:“As m\u00eddias digitais como plataformas de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o de colaboradores em agentes de reputa\u00e7\u00e3o da marca”},“status”:{“id”:1,“label”:“Queued”},“submissionProgress”:0,“stages”:[{“id”:1,“label”:“Submission”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536],“statusId”:1,“status”:“No editor has been assigned to this submission.”,“files”:{“count”:0}},{“id”:3,“label”:“Review”,“isActiveStage”:true,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536]},{“id”:4,“label”:“Copyediting”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:[{“id”:118467,“assocType”:1048585,“assocId”:145148,“stageId”:4,“sequence”:1,“closed”:false}],“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536],“files”:{“count”:0}},{“id”:5,“label”:“Production”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:[{“id”:118468,“assocType”:1048585,“assocId”:145148,“stageId”:5,“sequence”:2,“closed”:false}],“currentUserAssignedRoles”:[65536],“files”:{“count”:0}}],“reviewRounds”:,“reviewAssignments”:[{“id”:33135,“isCurrentUserAssigned”:false,“statusId”:9,“status”:“This review is complete and the reviewer has been thanked for their contribution.”,“due”:“2018-05-18”,“responseDue”:“2018-05-18”,“round”:1,“roundId”:0},{“id”:33312,“isCurrentUserAssigned”:false,“statusId”:9,“status”:“This review is complete and the reviewer has been thanked for their contribution.”,“due”:“2018-05-24”,“responseDue”:“2018-05-24”,“round”:1,“roundId”:0},{“id”:34269,“isCurrentUserAssigned”:false,“statusId”:9,“status”:“This review is complete and the reviewer has been thanked for their contribution.”,“due”:“2018-06-21”,“responseDue”:“2018-06-21”,“round”:1,“roundId”:0}],“locale”:“pt_BR”,“urlWorkflow”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/authorDashboard/submission/145148”,“urlAuthorWorkflow”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/authorDashboard/submission/145148”,“urlEditorialWorkflow”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/workflow/access/145148”,“_href”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/api/v1/submissions/145148”,“authorString”:“Jo\u00e3o Guilherme de Melo Peixoto, Sabrina Medeiros Wanderley de Queiroz”,“urlPublished”:“http://revistas3localhost/organicom/article/view/145148”}],“itemsMax”:2}
There is 2 articles in Json, but just one are displayed. The article 145148 is missing in this case.

If i search for 145148:

1 of 1 and no one are displayed.
Json result for this search contains just the article 145148.
In others cases the article exists in database but I can’t find in json.

All missing articles that I notice have status = 1, submission_progress = 0 and stage_id =3

revistas3=> select submission_id, context_id,status, submission_progress, stage_id from submissions where submission_id in (142522,143351,143706,145114,144621,145131,145147,145148,145150,145152,145161,145168,145002,145011);
submission_id | context_id | status | submission_progress | stage_id
143351 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145002 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
142522 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145011 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
143706 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
144621 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145148 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145168 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145161 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145147 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145152 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145150 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145114 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
145131 | 232 | 1 | 0 | 3
(14 rows)

There are probably other missing articles that I have not noticed yet.

Can someone please help me?

Tarcisio Pereira.


Any help?

Tarcisio Pereira

Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira,

A fix for this issue was merged in early August and will go out with v3.2. It was not ported to 3.1.1-4, so you’ll need to wait for 3.2.

If you have technical assistance for your journal, you can implement the fix manually by applying the following change:

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This fix doesn’t fix.
I apply it manually, but the problem still there.

Any other fix?

Tarcisio Pereira

Judging from the JSON that you posted, it doesn’t appear to be the same issue. Can you check your browser’s console and share any errors you see there?


Json response:

{“items”:[{“id”:145148,“fullTitle”:{“pt_BR”:“As m\u00eddias digitais como plataformas de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o de colaboradores em agentes de reputa\u00e7\u00e3o da marca”},“status”:{“id”:1,“label”:“Queued”},“submissionProgress”:0,“stages”:[{“id”:1,“label”:“Submission”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:,“statusId”:1,“status”:“No editor has been assigned to this submission.”,“files”:{“count”:0}},{“id”:3,“label”:“Review”,“isActiveStage”:true,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:},{“id”:4,“label”:“Copyediting”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:,“files”:{“count”:0}},{“id”:5,“label”:“Production”,“isActiveStage”:false,“queries”:,“currentUserAssignedRoles”:,“files”:{“count”:0}}],“reviewRounds”:,“reviewAssignments”:[{“id”:33135,“isCurrentUserAssigned”:false,“statusId”:9,“status”:“This review is complete and the reviewer has been thanked for their contribution.”,“due”:“2018-05-18”,“responseDue”:“2018-05-18”,“round”:1,“roundId”:0},{“id”:33312,“isCurrentUserAssigned”:false,“statusId”:9,“status”:“This review is complete and the reviewer has been thanked for their contribution.”,“due”:“2018-05-24”,“responseDue”:“2018-05-24”,“round”:1,“roundId”:0},{“id”:34269,“isCurrentUserAssigned”:false,“statusId”:9,“status”:“This review is complete and the reviewer has been thanked for their contribution.”,“due”:“2018-06-21”,“responseDue”:“2018-06-21”,“round”:1,“roundId”:0}],“locale”:“pt_BR”,“urlWorkflow”:“http://www.revistas.usp.br/organicom/workflow/access/145148”,“urlAuthorWorkflow”:“http://www.revistas.usp.br/organicom/authorDashboard/submission/145148”,“urlEditorialWorkflow”:“http://www.revistas.usp.br/organicom/workflow/access/145148”,“_href”:“http://www.revistas.usp.br/organicom/api/v1/submissions/145148”,“authorString”:“Jo\u00e3o Guilherme de Melo Peixoto, Sabrina Medeiros Wanderley de Queiroz”,“urlPublished”:“http://www.revistas.usp.br/organicom/article/view/145148”}],“itemsMax”:1}


build.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘count’ of undefined
at o.i (build.js:6)
at o.t._render (build.js:6)
at o.i (build.js:1)
at So.get (build.js:6)
at new So (build.js:6)
at Rt (build.js:1)
at o.$e.$mount (build.js:6)
at o.$e.$mount (build.js:6)
at init (build.js:6)
at u (build.js:6)

Any idea?

Tarcisio Pereira.


Any news?

Tarcisio Pereira


Any idea or tip?

Tarcisio Pereira.


Any news? Almost two months and the articles are still missing.

Tarcisio Pereira.


Can anyone please help me?

Tarcisio Pereira

Clear the cache. This happened to me.

Hi @macgruder

Cleaned, the problem remains.

Tarcisio Pereira


Any help please?

Tarcisio Pereira.

Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira,

Sorry for the late reply. I don’t get a notification unless you write @NateWr, so I missed your follow-ups. Thanks for posting the JSON response and the error message.

I can see in the JSON response that the review stage is missing a files property, and that’s what’s causing the error in your console. It looks like the only way for that to happen is when the submission does not have a review round.

I’m not sure how that’s possible, but I’ve filed a bug so that the submission list will handle this problem more gracefully in the future:


In the meantime, you should be able to fix this by going to the submission’s workflow and creating a new review round. You can access the workflow when logged in as an editor at http://www.revistas.usp.br/organicom/workflow/access/145148.

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Hi @NateWr

Thank you, likely that there is some error in the migration.

Tarcisio Pereira.

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