Migrating OJS to new server

The OJS system has been used for Holistic Science Journal since 2010. Now the third party provider Storminternet migrated the package to a new server. Since then the packet has not been working. The init.php is not responsive, so commands like https://holisticsciencejournal.co.uk/ojs/index.php/hsj/article/viewFile/33/44 is showing as blank.

What do we have to do on the new server to activate the OJS software? Do we have to run the installation again? Or do we need to set permissions or any custom settings to be set.

Hello @Philip !

The best course of action is to determine what is causing the blank page (could be one of many reasons). You’ll have to check the server’s PHP error log to find that cause.

Hi Hilongo
The error log stops at Jan 2024 but does contain the following errors. This happened after the server was changed by the host. The database is present but access to it has stopped.

Many thanks

[19-Dec-2023 01:11:35] PHP Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘PHP/CompatInfo.php’ (include_path=‘.:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/classes:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/pages:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/pages:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/adodb:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/phputf8:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/pqp/classes:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/smarty:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/tools/phpCompat.php on line 48
[21-Dec-2023 19:38:03] DB Error: MySQL server has gone away
[21-Dec-2023 19:38:08] DB Error: MySQL server has gone away
[23-Dec-2023 07:01:23] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[25-Dec-2023 22:16:06] ojs2: DB Error: Duplicate entry ‘981b4f8c1d529b0fb846145fc384d520’ for key ‘sessions_pkey’
[25-Dec-2023 22:16:07] ojs2: DB Error: Duplicate entry ‘981b4f8c1d529b0fb846145fc384d520’ for key ‘sessions_pkey’
[27-Dec-2023 23:34:06] DB Error: MySQL server has gone away
[28-Dec-2023 00:17:01] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[31-Dec-2023 07:33:37] ojs2: Database connection failed!
[31-Dec-2023 07:33:40] ojs2: Database connection failed!
[12-Jan-2024 10:09:22] DB Error: MySQL server has gone away
[13-Jan-2024 13:27:29] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[19-Jan-2024 15:22:35] DB Error: MySQL server has gone away
[19-Jan-2024 15:22:38] DB Error: MySQL server has gone away
[22-Jan-2024 23:37:22] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[22-Jan-2024 23:37:50] ojs2: 404 Not Found
[24-Jan-2024 00:06:03] ojs2 has produced an error
Message: WARNING: require_once(PHP/CompatInfo.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
In file: /home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/tools/phpCompat.php
At line: 48
Server info:
OS: Linux
PHP Version: 5.2.17
Apache Version: N/A
DB Driver: mysql
DB server version: 5.5.52-cll
[24-Jan-2024 00:06:03] PHP Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘PHP/CompatInfo.php’ (include_path=‘.:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/classes:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/pages:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/pages:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/adodb:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/phputf8:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/pqp/classes:/home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/smarty:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/holistic/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/tools/phpCompat.php on line 48
[28-Jan-2024 01:30:53] ojs2: 404 Not Found

This does suggest more of a host issue than an OJS issue, and possibly for the error message that a file wasn’t copied across correctly

Hi Joe

Actually the error log stops working from January when the transfer was made. So the problem seems that ojs in not starting up at all. Are there setting we need to update to point ojs to the right server. Or is a problem with php or MySQL version being updated to 5.6 and 8.0?


As far as I know ‘Compatinfo’ is a PHP library … maybe it is not installed in the new server?

It’s likely a deeper part of the set up if you’re not seeing any error logs such as with your Apache/Nginx set up

Should I have run a set up process on the new server? If so how to do so while keeping the database that has articles etc.